What is this fuss about BitCoin??

What is this fuss about BitCoin??

Do you know BitCoin was invented by an unknown person or group named Satoshi Nakamoto? I am like what?? At first, I am already not convinced with this digital currency concept, and now you are telling me that the founder of this technology is unknown. It is crazy!

Recently, I got interested in knowing about this very lucrative term BitCoin Cryptocurrency, which people are fussing about all the time. So I told myself, let’s do some research on it. I have been reading a lot about BitCoin, cryptocurrency, and Blockchain these days. I am reading about what is Bitcoin mining and who are the Bitcoin miners? How is mining is causing carbon footprints and everything about it? The idea definitely excites me, but still not convinced me to invest in one.

I will be happy to chat on this topic more if this is what interests you. Let me know. This is what my last week was all about. Let me know what are you pondering upon?

My Favourite Things this Week

Video : The Molecular Shape of You (Ed Sheeran Parody) | A Capella Science

A friend of mine suggested me this song, and man it’s absolutely amazing. it just brings me back to my chemistry class and of course, I love the lyrics. I absolutely love it and definitely recommend it.

Game : Quizefy app

Missing your friends? Need to remind them that you’re the smartest one in the group? Give me a High-five 🙌 if you were playing the Quiz-up game 4 years back. I was addicted to Quiz up 4 years back, last week I decided to play again. But unfortunately, the Quiz up game was discontinued from the play store on 22nd March 2021. I was heartbroken 😔.

I was looking for the same type of games to interact with my friends and play with them. I found this similar app which has a variety of categories to choose from and challenge your opponent. This app does have some bugs but can be ignored. If you want to challenge me, hit me up! My name is Riteeka Rathod. I will be more than happy to play with you.

The show I binged on this week: Alma Matters

Netflix’s Alma Mater is a non-fiction show set in IIT Kharagpur looking inside the lives of IITians and sharing with the world what it takes to be one. It is documented by the alums of IIT Kharagpur. Most of the scenes are real footage of the events at IIT Kharagpur majorly between 2013–18. I enjoyed it because everyone’s college life story is similar, and it’s nostalgic how we prepared for campus and how we used to work day and night for organizing the Events. It was a ritual and we followed it wholeheartedly.

Anyways please write back to me, how are you doing? How you are using this time with your family? What are you Binge-watching? Have you experimented on any new food item by showing your Master chef skills or If you have found any good channel or show on any platform? Any book recommendations? Lemme know!!! I would love to know. Please feel free to comment.