This week passed by in a blink of an eye. How was yours?
Today I wanna talk about Virtual Travel. Are you aware of this term? We have been traveling virtually most of the time when we are on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
Why do I want to talk about it today? Let me explain it to you. Lately, I have seen many traveler’s posts who are longing to travel but couldn’t due to the global pandemic. So I have one solution to overcome this situation that is Virtual Travel. This is just a temporary period of our long life, right? We will definitely get a chance to travel when it will be safe. Until then what can we do?
Web Application : Google Earth
The idea is to use the service provided by Google Earth. Think of any possible city you would love to visit in the future and dive in. Use knowledge cards and discover famous landmarks, it is as good as watching 3D movies. Experience it on your own. Take the helm with the voyager, Go on virtual treks on the land of Kenya.
This is the best tool, I use it all the time before I go to any place. I scout the place on Google Earth, which is the most detailed globe. You can learn about the terrain and everything. Google earth also provides virtual travel tours. Even Live African Safari Can you believe it? 😱 Check it out Highly recommend.
Apps : Instagram & Woovly
Look at the picture below. Do you like it? Would you like to visit this place?

It’s simple when you see photos of the place you like just pin it on your Google My Maps or make the collection on Instagram (I prefer) or make Bucket List on woovly. Now, whenever you like any place, search that place and save it in that Country/City collection. So next time when you make travel plans for that country/city it’s easy for you to decide what exactly you want to see there.
YouTuber : Mark Weins & Bucket List Family
Mark is a full time-eater. He travels around the world for food. Mark says “Food is the reason you should travel”, and on his channel, you’ll watch videos that feature incredibly delicious food and travel tips. I personally watch his videos because I like his passion for food.
Bucket List Family is a family of travel journalists, who sold everything to do adventure around the world. I can binge-watch this channel. I watch this channel to see their cute little family and be a part of their underwater Adventure around the world. And Yes! Garrett and Jessica give me some serious Parenting lessons.
Amazing Links:
- David Attenborough’s Great Barrier Reef: http://attenboroughsreef.com/
- CLIFFS OF MOHER virtual tour: https://www.cliffsofmoher.ie/virtual-…
- Great Wall of China virtual tour: https://www.thechinaguide.com/destina…
- Visit the largest cave in the world with National Geographic: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/ne…
- Virtually visit the Sistine Chapel: http://www.museivaticani.va/content/m…
Check the previous weekly wrap-ups by clicking here
That’s it for this week, catch you next week.
By that time if you want to share some of your insights or want to have chat, you can always email me at contact@riteekarathod.com or DM me on Instagram. I read all emails and DMs. and try my best to respond as quickly as possible.
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