Good mornin’,
How are you doing friend?
I feel like I am always out of the time, 24 hrs seems very less to me, do you feel that too?
My mind always assigns a 1-hour slot to any task I have on hand. Most calendar software works like this too. If you create an event for 10 am, it’ll default to a 1-hour 10-11 am event. Which means I can hardly do 6 tasks in a day paring time consumed in our routine task like taking care of 11 months old baby !!! IMPORTANT, cooking, bathing(not more than 5 minutes), eating, sleeping, so on. So If I sum it up the routine task, I get around 6 hours dedicated to myself.
Do you see any problem there? ……

Last month I did an experiment by tracking my time on eventLogger and I came across HARD REALISATION. As in my mind, I have assigned to-do certain task for 1 hour, and if I finish it for example in 30 mins or 1 hr 45 min. I am most likely to waste those spare 30 mins or 15 mins by just surfing on Instagram and Facebook. And I believe this is very likely to happen with you too.
Which is why I have now started to chunk my time in smaller slots like 15 min or 10 mins. So now rather than waiting until 4 pm to do something useful, I think of something useful I could be doing until then. For example, read some articles that I have marked and saved or quickly draft posts. Listen to the audiobook on audible. Perhaps, which will benefit me in the long run.
As I am finishing writing this email, it 09:09 am. Normally I would just slouch on couch and scroll through my twitter or Instagram until 09:30 am before negotiating myself off the couch and into doing something useful. But now, with this little mind shift, I would rather go out and put laundry in the washing machine. Ah! What a skillful Time Management!!
Share your thoughts on how do you manage your time? Do you also waste time like I used to do before? then it’s never late to start implementing new methods to improve your Time management. Time chunking or say Time Slicing is a very effective way to improve our Time management.
My Favourite Things This Week
Podcast: Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman on On Books Podcast
On this podcast, Chris talks with Alex on Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. The book looks very interesting to me because it is talking about Cognitive Bias, how we make unconscious decisions about people and situations based on our very little perception of them. He explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. Kahneman exposes the extraordinary capabilities of our minds.
On Books Podcast is a podcast about life-changing books. Think of it as a two-person book club, or a 30-minute audiobook of the best books of the year. Highly recommend checking this channel.
Article : You won’t believe my Morning
I was blown away by this article it is quite long but will definitely hold you. I can’t brief here as it will spoil reading for you. This article reminded me of the movie Honey, I shrunk the Kids. If any of this sounds interesting to you, give it a read.
Application : HeadSpace (Highly recommend )
I can’t start my day without this app. I am practicing meditation skills for a few months now and this app is very helpful for channeling my thoughts. If you have used it, you will know that the animation they have in their app is so nice and so relatable. That’s the reason I am sticking to this app 😁(Always support creativity).
By the way, they have lots of good courses in meditation. Definitely check if you have mental stress or just want to fill up your spirit.
That’s it for this week, catch you next week.
By that time if you want to share some of your insights or want to have chat, you can always email me at contact@riteekarathod.com or DM me on Instagram. I read all emails and DMs. and try my best to respond as quickly as possible.
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