Habits of Happiness

Habits of Happiness
Habits of Happiness

Hi Friends,
How are you? I hope you are good 🙂
I have so much to share, Where do I start?

Book: Habits of Happiness

Let me talk about the book I am currently listening to, which is Habits of Happiness on audible. Honestly, I started this book because it was free and the topic was relative to my interest. Dr. Happy doesn’t share any extraordinary habits, however, as each chapter revealed, it made me re-evaluate aspects of my life. He advises us to do at least one fun activity a day, to keep up the positivity and which broadens our mind and we are likely to see more opportunity. Also, the study shows the happier you are, the more creative and productive your day will be.

Article: Life is a Picture, But You Live in a Pixel

I have a long list of dreams, great things to do, and have a very high bar set for myself for the things to accomplish in life. And I am very sure you have those dreams too. I spend so much of time looking up at the great things that will come to my way and planning my future happiness and not nearly taking enough time looking down and thinking about how badly I used to want so many of the things which I currently have.

So it is very important to take a pause and reflect on what you have achieved and try to feel the same amount of Happiness which you had dreamed of it in the past. And this reminds me of a teaching of Master Oogway from the movie Kung Fu Panda, where he reminds Po to live in the moment. Which takes me to the quote of the Week.

Quote of the week:

Video: Life Lessons from the Youngest Person to Travel to Every Country | Lexie Alford 

Lexie Alford is the Guinness world record holder of the “youngest person to travel to every country”. In this talk, Lexie talks about how she moved out of her comfort zone and how it changed her life. Lexie shares her stories from around the world to inspire others, especially young, to follow their dreams, to get out of their comfort zone, and to stimulate personal growth.

That’s it for this week, catch you next week.
By that time if you want to share some of your insights or want to have chat, you can always email me at contact@riteekarathod.com or DM me on Instagram. I read all emails and DMs. and try my best to respond as quickly as possible.

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